Sunday, February 7, 2010

Being less dramatic

I am trying to stop and think before I act these days. What a concept. I used to work part time before baby # 3 came and I found I was yelling. I was sometimes a"yeller" when we were running late and the kids would take their time. My oldest child mothers her brothers,  and I noticed that she was copying me, so I had to stop that behaviour in it's tracks. I am trying to focus more this year on , being positive, and not raising my voice. I am not a drama Queen and I also think that if you are a yeller then your kids tune you out after awhile. So when I do raise my voice a bit my kids know I mean business now. Or so I think. ha ha

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Book

Well the book finally came to my door. I am so excited to finally see it on paper. WOW!
"Will They Grow Back By Monday" by Josephine R Bay. Now to pound the pavement to get it out into the big planet.